I will be posting in the next few days the details of the new photo packages that I will be offering. These new packages will be including photo shoots at world famous Vizcaya Gardens in Miami and also the Cruz Building in Coconut Grove.
I want to ask you a few questions. I want to know a bit about YOU!
Are you looking for a photographer that loves to capture what is deep inside, what is behind the surface?
Are you looking for a photographer that is not interested in simple snapshots with overly filter images, but is looking for those special moments that will tell your story in the years to come?
Will we click? Are we going to be able to work together in achieving priceless images of what you are about now? Are you a perfectionist, who is not satisfied with the common but wants to reach higher?
I’m not looking to make something different, I’m looking to make something wonderful with your portraits, with your event.
A small selection of images from a horse riding show given by my Mexican neighbor who has a passion for Andalusian and Frisian horses. It was a family affair with Grand father, father and sons all taking part in a beautiful show of equestrian control. Some of the neighbors also dropped by with their horses. The whole show was just part of a great party given to a young lady who was turning 15 or as we call it in Spanish “Quinceañera” I hope you enjoy.
Getting ReadyFrisian HorseA Boy and His TrainerFull GallopThe TrainerSpectatorsThe PatriarchGiven it All
James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”
It seems like only a few days ago that I was rocking her to sleep telling her stories that not only put her to sleep but also the story teller. Holding her bottle and telling of imaginary kings and princess in far away lands. How quickly life really moves past you and if you’re not fully awake you will look back one day and ask yourself were did it all go. This image was captured just 8 months ago.
Stop Growing!!!!! It’s what my heart is crying out, be my little girl once again.
Just read a bit about the photographer Jen Burgess Thompson [here is link to her blog] and her battle with cancer. It touched my heart to read her story and view the images of her fight and her beautiful family. It was sad to read that she didn’t make it to the end. Sadder still that she will not see her boys become men. She will miss so much, the grand kids, the hugs, the kisses and the beautiful days to come. Her family will also miss her. She is in the hands of a merciful God right now even though we might question his will in all of this in but everything does work out for those that love the Lord. She is in a better place now. God will strengthen, God will light the way. Take sometime and follow the link and read the life of a beautiful human being.
I guess this is a follow up post to Stopping Life: Images of my world. We need to stop and truly appreciate every single minute given to us by the Lord. As it was preached last night in our Youth Service we have very little time, life is but a vapor. It is difficult if not impossible to grasp or hold a vapor. Sure we can bottle it up but it will have chemical changes it will not be the same, besides life is meant to be lived not just contemplate or meditate on. I have an issue with religious movements that just want to sit and meditate while life passes them by. The orders have not changed we are still supposed to be dressing the garden, living life to the fullest, making a difference in the world that surrounds us. Every day needs to be lived like it might be your last, every day is a beautiful day no matter what might be surrounding you.
Below just a few images from my world hope you enjoy and leave a comment.
It seems that only yesterday, November 1st to be exact, the ranking of my blog on Alexa.com was at 25,975,500. And here we are today one day before the end of 2011 and the ranking as gone up to 727,861. A lot of hard work and many comments have been the source of such a success.
Some would say that Alexa ranking is not that important while others would argue the contrary, truthfully is only a measuring stick, but is a constant non variable measuring device. Webpage and blog ranking be it on Alexa or Google help to support and encourage the posting of informative articles and images. The ranking is a reflection of daily visitor activity and that is where the encouragement part comes in. It is a great feeling to see one’s ranking climb on what is mostly a one way street. On a blog you get many more visitors than actually leave comments behind, that can be a bit frustrating because you feel that your words and your images are simply vanishing into thin air.
So today I mark a bit of a milestone having had this blog going for less than a year I feel happy that I’m coming into 2012 with a fresh, positive outlook and some exciting numbers. Now the goal for the coming year is my Google ranking.
Happy New Year to all.
Alexa Alexa Alexa Google Google Google ranking ranking ranking photography images images blog blog blog
Images from my world: Sometimes as photographers we get so focused on assignments and working to keep the bills payed that we stop looking at our on lives for the images that one day will bring memories to us.
We forget the reason that we originally picked up a camera, which at least to me was to capture rectangles of my life. I loved the quick drawing of the things that surrounded me, as Henry Cartier Bresson would say in his later years that was what photography was for him. He was known for capturing the “decisive moment”, that moment that wouldn’t been seen ever again. Those flickers of light where everything was in place to frame that second that later would become eternal for the memory.
Life goes fast, maybe as fast as the speed of light. You blink and it’s gone, no turning back there is no rewind, no pause button in life. It is constant the movement forward, never backwards. The only thing that we have that comes close to be able to pause this spinning into the future is our memories of past events. But as we grow older it becomes harder to tap into those memories, the layers build up and it’s not as easy as before to recall our youth, our life moments.
That is the greatness of photography, like nothing else in the world it is wonderful tool, medium to use for recording those flickers of light full of details. Those moments that will not be here again. I will use the image above to illustrate this point: It is a simple image of three young men waiting to leave for Church on a Sunday afternoon like many other Sunday afternoons. Yet this moment has not been repeated again and it might not they way things have turn out. Now you might say what does it matter, well to one of these young man every time that he will see this image it will remind him of that afternoon when he gave a Bible study to Tarzan as he is called because of his long hair. It will remind him of the burden that he felt in his heart to reach out and share something that is the most important thing in his life. When he is old and in that place in his life that God has for him, he can recall this little moment by just looking at this simple image that his dad took of him and his friends.
I guess as I get older what once I took for granted is coming under a new light. Wisdom, I don’t know if that is what it is or maybe experiences that are driving me to not allow life to pass by without clicking away at it.