Bella Boda en el Doral: Fotografia de Bodas por Jorge R Gonzalez

Bella Boda en el Doral: Fotografia de Bodas por Jorge R Gonzalez

     Tuve el gran placer de tomarle las fotos de su Boda a una preciosa novia el mes pasado en el area de Miami conocida como el Doral. Ambos el novio y la novia vinieron desde Raleigh North Carolina para compartir este bello evento en sus vidas con sus familiares y amigos.

     La bella novia se preparo en  el salon de belleza Rose ubicado en el area de Biscayne y la 7o calle. El estilista Jhon Amaya hizo una obra de arte en el maquillaje de la novia. Pero claro cuando la muchacha es bella en si misma no es necesario tanto trabajo. La ceremonia fue hecha en la iglesia catolica Our Lady of Guadalupe y por ultimo la recepcion en el  Killian Palms Country Club.

     Espero que disfruten las imagenes y si tuvieran alguna pregunta por favor dejar un comentario o tambien pueden comunicarse por telefono: 305-498-2646

salon de belleza Rose

boda fotografia miami salon de belleza Rose

rose Jhon Amaya

fotograifa de bodas miami

vestido de novia

vestido de novia fotografia de bodas

anillos de bodas

bella boda en el doral

novia preparandose

bella boda en el doral

novia de bodas

first look wedding bride and father

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Bella Boda en el Doral: Fotografia de Bodas por Jorge R Gonzalez

Bella Boda en el Doral: Fotografia de Bodas por Jorge R Gonzalez

Killian Palms Country Club Killian Palms Country Club

Killian Palms Country Club


Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

wedding photography in miami

Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de ser el fotógrafo de una bella boda que tuvo lugar en el famoso Restaurante de Miami llamado el Rusty Pelican. En una preciosa tarde Raquel y Tony obtuvieron matrimonio en una simple y íntima ceremonia, rodeados por familia y amigos. La ceremonia estuvo maravillosa mientras que la magnífica luz del atardecer entraba y rodeaba a todos con una luz dorada. En verdad el Restaurante Rusty Pelican en Miami ofrece un lugar espectacular para ceremonias intimas como esta. Espero que le agraden la siguientes imágenes de una Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican mostrando esta bella union de dos seres que se aman.

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican


Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican



Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican


Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican






Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican


Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican




Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican


Bella Boda en Miami en el Rusty Pelican

Venue: Rusty Pelican Restaurant 305.361.3818

Officiant: Janeth Hernandez from Reflections Wedding Officiant

Make up: Vivian Adrienne 786-566-7233

Photography: Jorge R Gonzalez Photography 305-498-2646

Dreams that Come True: Wedding Photography at the Biltmore Hotel

Wedding Photography at Biltmore Hotel

Wedding Photography at the Biltmore Hotel


Jorge R Gonzalez Photography

This past Saturday I had the pleasure and honor to document using my camera a very beautiful and moving occasion. It was the wedding of Tarik and Mercy a very loving and giving couple. They held their beautiful event at the Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ and the Biltmore Hotel both historic landmarks in the city of Coral Gables in the South Florida area. This blog post is to present the beautiful wedding photography at the Biltmore Hotel of this event.

We started the day off with getting ready pictures at the Biltmore followed by a very emotional first look in which the groom’s father, brother and uncles took part. With the sound of applause and cheers the bride made her way down a set of grandiose staircases to the waiting arms of her future husband. The look on his face as his family members cheered the beautiful Mercy on was something of beauty, which only became more enchanting when he turned towards her and saw his bride at her very best for the very first time. Tears were on both the grooms and brides eyes but with hours of preparation in the brides part she had to compose her self or else we would had a bit of a disaster in the makeup department.

The first look led to formal outside portraits of the couple taking advantage of the beautiful afternoon light that we had around us. This led to more portraits inside the beautiful Biltmore Hotel lobby with the bride’s and groom’s immediate family. Shortly afterwards we headed towards the Church which happens to be across the street from the hotel. The bride was driven, on her short ride in an incredible Rolls Royce Wraith by her father. A very classy and beautiful touch, if I might say. Between the awesome auto, the beautiful bride, the handsome  groom in his Great Gatsby tuxedo, and the historic picturesque venues this turn into an incredible photography opportunity. Every where you turned is was like a James Bond movie!!

I will spare you the rest of the details since wedding photography is what I do best not write. I’m showing the main highlights of the this wedding day since we stared at 3:00 p.m. and ended up staying until 1:00a.m. The family is a mix of Cuban, and Jordanian members, thus the music played was both latin salsa, merengue, reggaeton  and arabic in nature. There was spanish been spoken along with english and of course arabic. The theme of the reception was that of a middle eastern style which was orchestrated by Sari Sosa of Sari Sosa Events.

In here are the images followed by links to the venues and vendors, I hope you enjoy.

coral gables wedding photography by jorge r gonzalez

coral gables wedding photography by jorge r gonzalez

coral gables wedding photography by jorge r gonzalez

coral gables wedding photography by jorge r gonzalez

fotografia de bodas en coral gables

fotografia de bodas en coral gables

fotografia de bodas en coral gables

fotografia de bodas en coral gables

wedding photography in miami by jorge r gonzalez

Biltmore Hotel Weddings

Biltmore hotel weddings

fotografia de bodas en coral gables biltmore hotel jorge r gonzalez

wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ

wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ

wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ

wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ

wedding photography at the biltmore hotel wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ

wedding photography

wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ

wedding photography at the biltmore hotel

wedding photography at the biltmore hotel

wedding photography at the biltmore hotel

wedding photography at the biltmore hotel  wedding photography in homestead miami florida coral gables coral gables congregational united church of christ


Photography: Jorge R Gonzalez and Jonathan E Gonzalez

Ceremony: Coral Gables Congregational United Church of God

Getting Ready, First Look and Reception: Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables

Event Coordinator: Sari Sosa of Sari Sosa Events

Design and Decor: Avant Gardens

Hair: Claudia Vidales Art of Hair by Claudia

Makeup: Dunia Rivero Miami Makeup Artist

Catering: Cristina Gamez Biltmore Hotel

Video: Empire Video Productions

Real Estate Photography in South Florida

Real Estate Photography in South Florida


Jorge R Gonzalez Photography

Is not every day that a real estate photographer finds himself photographing his own home with the goal of placing it on the market to sell. But nevertheless this is where I find myself and this is the result of a few days of work to get the house set up to be photographed. It is a sad time for the Gonzalez household having to let go of our dream home in the Redlands near Homestead and Miami.  A home that both my wife and I designed and physically partook in raising it from the barren nearly 3 acres of land that we bought back in 2006. After nearly 9 years of struggling to first build it and then trying to keep it we have determine that unless God does a miracle we will be selling and moving on to what ever His will would have for us. My dream was to see my grandkids play in the trees, ride the horses and just enjoy coming to grandpas big old house, but it will not be so.  I hope you enjoy the following images from my home and if you should need any Real Estate Photography in South Florida or any other type of photography please don’t hesitate in calling me. The home will be listed by one of the country’s top real estate agent Nancy J. O’brien with the Keyes Agency.




Living Room 1 Real Estate Photography in South Florida

Dining Room-2 Real Estate Photography in South Florida


Family Room-2 Real Estate Photography in South Florida

View of Kitchen From Family Room Real Estate Photography in South Florida

Real Estate Photography in South Florida  Kitchen

View From Kitchen

Master Bedroom 2

Master Bathroom

Back Terrace 1 Real Estate Photography in South Florida




Fine Art Wedding Photography: The Wedding I Never Shot

Fine Art Wedding Photography: The Wedding I Never Shot.

Medium Format Film Photography

A few months back I had the pleasure to be invited to attend as a guest a wedding for a family member. I took the opportunity to bring along my Mamiya C220 Medium Format Film camera and five rolls of Kodak Portra 400 film. Since I was not officially the photographer for the event, hence the title of this post, I had the freedom to shoot without needing to abide to a specific shoot list. I used an old  Gossen Lunasix light meter to measure existing light. I was giving this camera by a very kind man with the an old camera case and also a Sunpack 522. The wedding ceremony was held outside around 5:00pm which for South Florida in November is ideal time to get the most beautiful light. I hope you enjoy some of the images that came out of those five rolls of film.

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography

Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography



Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography



Medium Format Film Mamiya c220 Fine Art Wedding Photography










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Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography in Miami

Vizcaya Quinces Photography

A Sneak Peek from Yesterday’s Quinces Photo Shoot at

Villa Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Quinces Photography

I had a great time capturing Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography of this young lady this past Sunday morning. Our day started with a trip to Gloria Pelo for Hair and Make up, what a treat that was, Gloria is a true pro. Then we embarked towards Vizcaya Museum and Gardens with a perfect south florida weather waiting for us. Bright, blue skies and a wonderful 7o degrees in temperature, perfect! The young lady is a natural at posing, all I had to say was get a bit this way and she would always answer back “got it” and she did. Thanks to all involved a was a total pleasure working with you all. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek.


Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography

villa vizcaya quinces photography in miami

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography Fotografia de quinces

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography

Villa Vizcaya Quinces Photography


Location: Vizcaya Museum & Gardens

Dress: Dresses 4 Parties

Hair and Makeup: Gloria Pelo

Sophia + Payman: Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

When Sophia approached me to capture the images of her beautiful Persian Wedding the first thing I did was of course google it! Because I had no idea what a Persian Wedding was all about I turned to the work of other photographers and research the ceremony and reception sequence. I also received help from the bride which is actually Lebanese descendant and it was then that she mentioned that there would be a grand entrance into the reception hall by the bride and groom accompanied by dancers, a Zaffa or Zeffa.

So that in a nutshell is what got me ready for the event and the traditions that would be unfolding in front of my camera lens. But what really became apparent and manifested itself during the course of the ceremony and in the reception was that this was a FAMILY. It was a family just like many that I have known, similar to my own in many ways. Not just a few individuals gathered to go through a few traditions but a true family that showed the love they had for each other and the joy that they all felt to be part of such an occasion. I was truly moved with what I was feeling and seeing. And in the course of the evening  the feeling of being someone hired to work an event turned in to someone that was just another guest in a celebration of the love that two people have for each other.

I would like to share a few images and also a video with the highlights of the beautiful wedding. The dancing was performed by the wonderful artists from Belly Motions with Portia, Luisa and Alexandra. You can get more information about their services on their site HERE.

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Persian Wedding Photography in Miami

Kelly and Brent, Destination Wedding: Islamorada Key

When Kelly first contacted me over a year ago from China about her Destination Wedding in the Florida Keys at first I was a bit surprised and hesitant. Usually when someone contacts you from another country like Nigeria the first thing that we think of is scam!! But that was not the case, as we continued to email back and forth she told me of her plans to marry the dream of her life which she actually met in China.

A few months after our initial contact we met while she came to the South Florida area to look at the different venues available for her beautiful Destination Wedding in a tropical setting like only the Florida Keys can offer. On a side note on a that meeting I noticed how organized she was with all her tabs placed in her three ring binder, it was perfect with the details. She had done her trial make up session and I took a few test shots outside of Starbucks, which I never showed her because my camera lens has actually fogged up from the difference in humidity and temperature. Not a good start for me!!

During the months leading to her beautiful wedding I kept in touch with her as she made her final decision on the venue. She decided on Coconut Cove Resort in Islamorada (spanish for purple island) even though the hard head locals pronounce it aisle-a-more-AH-dah It is still Isla Morada I’s an inside joke since I know a few of those hard headed locals 😉

The Resort is owned and run by Paul and Magda Bates a beautiful couple with a great family and a great crew that never stopped working all the time that we were there. They provided the accommodations, rehearsal dinner, decorations, ceremony, reception dinner and even the grand finale of the first dance: Fireworks!!

I prepared a small preview of the many images of the two day event that my beautiful wife and I captured. Yes she went along and she was a tremendous help. I think she might becoming part of my crew 😉

Here is the short preview in video form showing the stunning sunrise and more important a very loving and beautiful couple: