From Today: Portrait Session in Miami
Children Photography
A Wedding in Black & White and a few thoughts.
I started some 30 years ago in working on images in black and white. I was taught the process of developing in a small kitchen of a college dorm. It was in England and I became captivated by the process especially seeing the image come to life on the paper once it was placed in the developing tank. The smells and the total process of the darkroom was amazing to me. But that was years ago and now digital is here and it is not going anywhere.
It becomes easy just to click and whamm the image is there. A bit of Photoshop and we have an image in what ever filter color we could want. We could try to keep the nostalgia and the romance of the process but after all is said and done the final image is what counts, sure there are differences.
Yes the darkroom process is great but getting the image is better, I don’t believe that we have to do zen photography where we meditate on the process. Its about getting the image, getting the moment, getting the memory.
I wanted to show a full wedding and felt that going black and white on every image would help to keep the continuity. I will be posting the best from Becky’s wedding. We had a blast at this wedding specially during the formal group pictures where I was almost hanged from the ladder that I was using.

The Beauty Again…
Here is one of my favorites from the series “When I Was Two….”
Photographing her was great even though she never stopped for a single pose it was constant movement I felt more like a paparazzi photographer than a portrait photographer. Unbelievable the energy these kids have you have to be fast if you want to capture an image from them.
© 2011 Jorge R Gonzalez Photography | U.S.A | International |