Jorge R Gonzalez Visual Artist
Excellence in Visual Arts
From a recent High School Senior portrait session at the Deering Estate in Miami.
high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait high school senior portrait
Sometimes there are images that keep bringing you back to them. You can’t seem to get away, if you believe in such things as ghosts you would say that they haunt you. I don’t believe it that way but still this image keeps showing up every time that I’m looking at the Lightroom gallery in which it is placed. It just pops back at me, maybe is the color palette that it has maybe is the veil, I’m not sure but here it is a simple portrait. If we were to analyze the image we would find that certain elements are at play. First the eyes are not staring at the viewer so there is a sense of detachment from the subject. Second the color is to me at least flowing in the image, working its way around moving your eye back and forth. And last the brick reddish background keeps pulling the eye of the viewer towards the face which is framed by it.
Your thoughts?
Victory at Cracker Barrel
Yashica Electro 35 GSN Kodak 100 TMAX
Portrait of a Young Man taken with an old film camera on Labor day with the special treat of just having consumed a large amount of “healthy grease food” at Cracker Barrel. Boy we love breakfast there especially the Uncle Hershels menu. There is nothing that compares to being with your family, enjoying time together while you shoot a roll of film.
I love walking around with this old camera it has become my favorite. The focusing takes getting used to but the fun of the sound has you advance the film. It is so quite when you press the shutter. It is a beautiful camera with the shinny chrome and the old school look, now fuji came out with something similar in design. My kids say that it is my Leica. Too think that I picked it up at ebay for less than fifty including shipping. It has no light leaks and it was CLEAN!! I had the film developed and scanned here in at a local lab, but I’m not happy with the file size. I will be trying a lab in Cali next time. All of the shots are straight out of the camera only the logo was added no Photoshop adjustments!!
Nothing Chages
Yashica Electro 35 GSN 100 TMAX
A bit of info on Nothing Changes, this is a body shop in the Miami area that I have been going to since I was about 15 years old. One of my uncles is the owner of the business, him and is brother. They have been working at this location in Miami since the early 70’s. I find it interesting that the vehicle which takes up most of this image is about as old as the business. It feels like you are walking into a museum, at least for me it does. Nothing changes everything stays the same it is locked in a frame of my mind and of my camera. Without question soon there will be a change since they, the owners are both getting very old and there will be no one to replace them.