Tiger Pinstripe Crested Gecko: Lasted Fine Art Painting
This is one of the paintings that is part of a series that I’m working on dealing with vanishing ecosystems and the animals that live in it. I’m using less common animals, which tend be less “loved” to highlight that all of God’s creation serves a purpose. The series up to the moment includes this piece, also “Blue Tang”, “Mc Cosker’s Flasher Wrasse”, “Pacific Sky”, “Don’t Get Triggered By The Goggle Eyes”, “Red on Yellow Kill a Fellow”, “Bleached”, “Una Morena y Sus Amigas”, “Flounder and Friends”, “Bycatch”, “Gulf Stream Life”, “Sunset at the Pond”, “Hierba de Alacran” and “Una Cascabel y Sus Peyotes”.
Painting can be purchased here: Artreprerneur